One of the best feelings that you get, is when you are able to accomplish, physically, what you set out to achieve. And when you achieve your target, your goal, against odds, against the nay sayers, against your own beliefs and experiences, the feeling is all the more sweeter.
Having been brought up with the belief that flat footers cannot run. Having been through all the pain and tears of the shin muscles when I ran too much when I was young, only proved a unsurmountable obstacle, for me to ever be able to like running long distances.
Life has its usual twists and turns, and only at the age of 39, that I realised that this unsurmountable obstacle was just that, an obstacle. Obstacles are there, to make us stronger, only if we were to challenge ourselves. Challenging ourselves, we are able to focus on our weaknesses, training our own bodies, to get stronger, to bring our threshold for pain higher, our endurance, longer.
Well, I trained really hard for the IPPT. And finally, the results as shown. Perhaps it was the terrain. Perhaps it was the pills... perhaps, perhaps perhaps... but the point was, I did it.
6 flat rounds... brought all my barang barang... and guess what? I forgot the watch! hahaha.. stress!
6 rounds in the multi-storey car-park...
since when 40 yr old need ippt?